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Optional properties are marked with a question mark (?) at the end of the type. Instead of setting a property to null, the property can also simply be omitted. IDs always need to be URL compatible and therefore must be urlencoded. We recommend to use only unicode letters, numbers and underscores in all IDs. You can get more sample bodies by making a GET request to


Replace TODO_REPLACE_WITH_ENTITY with one of User, Student, Organization, Course, Group or Event. And TODO_REPLACE_WITH_CONTENT_TYPE needs to be either application/json (recommended) or application/xml. You can also simply open this link in your browser. Don't forget to replace TODO_FLOW_HOST with the hosted flow-instance hostname.


This endpoint is only accessible to the admin user.

Entity import order

Due to current system limitations, you should first import Courses then Groups and then the Events. Otherwise, some entries might no get imported. In that case you will get a warning with the ids of the entries that could not be imported. All other types can be imported in any order. The following order is recommended when making sequential import calls from one system:

  1. Users
  2. Organizations
  3. Students
  4. Courses
  5. Groups
  6. Events

Global integrity check

By default, after each import, an integrity check over the whole database is executed. In this step, it is checked if all references of all the imported data can be resolved (e.g. if each student object has its corresponding user object). If you import multiple entities concurrently, you might want to execute this validation only once at the end. Therefore, you can add to the import URL the query parameter runGlobalIntegrityCheck=false. When set to false the check will be skipped for this request. This parameter is optional and defaults to true.

e.g. https://TODO_FLOW_HOST/import/users?importerId=TODO_REPLACE_WITH_IMPORTER_ID&runGlobalIntegrityCheck=false

Date Time format (Date data type)

For date properties, the ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX is used, e.g. 2023-03-10T12:30:00.000+01:00 or 2023-03-10T11:30:00.000Z (10 March 2023 at 11:30 o'clock UTC).