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Studo Flow


This is the technical documentation for university IT teams or university software developers to set up, integrate and extend Studo Flow.


Studo Flow is a platform which empowers universities to digitize and simplify their administrative processes. It can be hosted by Studo or self-hosted by the university.

Use cases of Studo Flow

Technical compatibility

Studo Flow integrates with various systems and services:

Campus management systems

  • CAMPUSonline: This in Austria and Germany popular campus management system is integrated with a dedicated CAMPUSonline COnX Docker module, which needs to be self-hosted on the CAMPUSonline infrastructure. More information
  • VIS: The Slovene VIS system is integrated though native VIS apis on multiple faculties. More information
  • Dedicated API: Integrate any campus management system or student information system via the Flow API. More information
  • Request a custom data importer: Please contact us if you want that Studo develops a custom importer for your needs.

SSO authentication providers

The following Single-Sign-On providers can be configured for authentication:

  • SAML: Shibboleth, Keycloak, ADFS, ...
  • OIDC (OpenID Connect) / OAuth2: Keycloak, Azure AD, Google, Okta, Auth0, ...
  • LDAP: Active Directory, OpenLDAP, ...

More details can be found in the login provider documentation.

Data export

Studo Flow can synchronize your university data (like course names, student registrations) across multiple systems:

  • Microsoft Teams: Automatically create and synchronize Teams and Groups for your courses, and add/remove students and teachers to them. More information
  • Custom CSV exports

User support providers

Multiple different technical user-support options are supported:

More details can be found in the user support options documentation.