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Glossary of Studo Flow terms


If you are missing an explanation for a term used in this documentation, please contact the studo support in the bottom right corner of this documentation.

CourseEach student can take one or multiple courses per semester. A course might be named e.g. Mathematics 1. Each course has one or multiple lecturers.
GroupEach course has one or multiple groups. Each student can be registered to exactly one group to participate in the course. A group might be named Default group, Group 1 or Group Lecturer Cooper.
EventEach group has 0 to multiple events. Multiple events can have the same start and end date if they are in different groups.
Campus management systemA campus management system can be one or multiple tools that offer digital management of administrative processes on a university. This can also be learning management systems, student information systems or schedule systems.
GDPRThe General Data Protection Regulation is a Regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy.
StudoThe company providing Studo Flow and the Studo App.
Studo FlowA service to manage/host administrative processes on a university.
ModuleEach part of Studo Flow that fulfills a use case (e.g. DAL, Group Registration, MS Teams Synchronization, Evaluation) is called a Module.
Studo AppMobile native app for students and lecturers. Can be used on a university independently of Studo Flow.
SSOSingle sign-on (SSO) is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in on Studo Flow with an already existing university account through an already existing university login screen.
UserOne individual person is represented in Studo Flow with exactly one user. A user can have multiple roles.
Root userEach Studo Flow instance has exactly one root user, to access Studo Flow also when your login provider is not yet configured or not working. This root user can also be used for API integrations to systems, that should have full access (read & write) to all data on Studo Flow.
ModeratorA moderator or manager is an administrative role that is applied to one or multiple organizations.
LecturerA lecturer is a professor or tutor on one or multiple courses.